Is Your Genital Skin Color Darker Than the Rest of Your Body?

If you have looked at lots of pictures of dicks and balls as I have, you will surely have noticed that the skin color of the penis and scrotum is often several shades darker that the rest of the skin.  This is true of women as well.  However, there are some caucasian males that do not have darker skin in the area as in this picture:

It has been suggested that this may be related to our genetic heritage.  For example, light skinned blacks may have had dark African people in their heritage.  I have been told by some caucasians with Native American heritage that there genitals are also darker.

This blog reaches readers around the world, so I would like some feedback about what you think.  Do you think it is related to genetics or not?  Can you give examples, especially pictures where your dick is darker and you know the explanation.  Please comment and give me your opinions.

I'm also adding a couple of polls in the sidebar related to this question.  Please vote to help us better understand the darker coloration.


  1. My cock is darker than the rest of me. I am Caucasian, and I believe it is because of my Native American heritage. Two of my great-grandmothers were Native American, one Creek, the other Cherokee. I have a natural olive complexion due to my Native American heritage, but none of the rest of me is as dark as my penis or scrotum.

    What a great post! I look forward to reading the other replies.

  2. Mine is a tad darker when im soft, but when i get rock hard the difference is not that conspicuous


Awaiting your reaction . . .