Ever "Play Doctor"?

Perhaps many children both before and during puberty are so curious that they "play doctor."  Sometimes, it starts off, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours!"  Maybe it occurs between siblings, or perhaps neighbor children.  There was a boy two or three years younger than me who lived two doors down, and down the block there was a ravine beside a creek in which vines had grown into a jungle.  It was the perfect hiding place and one day my friend pulled out his dick to pee, and he wanted to see mine.  So I pulled out my dick also, and he noticed that mine was different because it had foreskin on it.  So he wanted to touch it, and of course I let him.  He moved the foreskin up and down over my glans and it felt so good.  But that is as far as it went.

Another time my adopted brother and I were playing on the floor in our room about the time we entered puberty.  We compared our dicks and again he was circumcised, and he thought mine was funny looking and wanted to touch it.  We both started getting hard and enjoying the mutual excitement which progressed all the way to cumming.  We discussed what had just happened and couldn't understand the sticky mess that had come out of our dicks.

Did you have similar experiences "playing doctor"?  Were they with your own sex or the opposite sex?  Did you and your brothers have sex during those teen years?  Tell your stories in the comments below.


  1. For me it started with a neighborhood friend who was 2 years older. When I was 11 and he was 13 he told me about masturbation. After I tried it alone he ask me if we could do it together. That began a 4 year relationship that started with mutual mastubation and went on to giving each other oral.

  2. Played doctor as a kid with a female friend, but I always thought getting my dick and balls felt was a lot better than examining her - I couldn't muster much curiosity. Later I developed a medical fetish, that developed out of school medicals where you had to undress to underwear and be examined from top to bottom. I envied the doctor who got to see so many boys' packets, although I have no doubt that it bored him thoroughly. I have had a couple of experiences as an adult with 'play doctors' but nothing really compares with fantasy.

  3. Translate this Text from German in Englisch.

    Ja auch ich habe als kleiner Junge erst alleine und dann aber durch das Duschen nach dem Sport, auch zusammen mit Freunden das Mastubieren entdeckt und bereue kein einzigstes mal es auch mit einem anderen Jungen zusammen es getan zu haben.

  4. Translat this from From to English

    Also ich habe zuerst es alleine so mit 8 Jahren entdeckt. Dann im Sportverein beim kämpfen, haben wir es dann auch schon zu mehreren gemacht. So hatte ich bald ein paar Freunde die auf mehr waren. Ja und da ging es Zuhause dann weiter. So bald wir alleine ungestört waren hies es Hosen runter und los ging es. Beschnitten war da aber keiner


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