Masturbation - A
Letter From Dalton Trumbo To His Son
Los Angeles, California
November 8, 1958
Christopher Trumbo
dear son:
have at hand your most recent letter addressed, I believe, both to your
mother and to me. That portion which I assume was designed to capture my
attention has. I refer to your addled account of an exchange between you and
Mike [Butler] relative to mensal checks from home. You may be sure I shall
give it much thought.
also inform us you haven't made holiday travel reservations because you
haven't the money to pay for them. Artful fellow! Do you truly think me so
stupid as to send the fare directly to you, who'd only squander it in high
living and end up stranded on Christmas Eve begging poor-man's pudding in
some snow-swept Bowery breadline?
procedure is this: go at once to an airline office and make round-trip
reservations (not deluxe, not a milk-run either). Do it immediately, for the
seasonal rush is already at hand. Notify me of the airline, flight number,
date and hour of arrival and within twenty-four hours a check made over to
the airline will be delivered into your greedy fist. Take it to the seller
and the deal is consummated without laying you open to temptation.
am sending you two books I think appropriate for a young man spending
five-sevenths of his time in the monkish precincts of John Jay Hall. The
first is Education of a Poker Player, by Henry 0. Yardley. Read
it in secret, hide it whenever you leave quarters, and you'll be rewarded
with many unfair but legal advantages over friend and enemy alike, not to
mention that occasional acquaintance who has everything including money.
second book I think you should share with your young companions. It is Sex
Without Guilt, by a man who will take his place in history as the
greatest humanitarian since Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Ellis, Ph.D. This good man
has written what might be called a manual for masturbators. That is to say,
in one slim volume he has clarified the basic theory of the thing, and then,
in simple layman's language, got right down to rules and techniques. This in
itself is a grand accomplishment; but what most compels my admiration is the
zest, the sheer enthusiasm which Dr. Ellis has brought to his subject. The
result (mailed in plain wrapper under separate cover) is one of those
fortuitous events in which the right man collides with the right idea at
precisely the right time. It makes a very big bang indeed.
is Dr. Ellis' idea to spring masturbation from the bedroom's crepusculine
gloom, where for endless generations it has lain a saprogenic curse on
millions of little lechers, and turn it loose in the parlor where it
rightfully belongs. This chap doesn't find anything wrong with it at all:
indoors or out, he ranks it right up there with ping-pong, gin rummy and
"Maverick" as a time-honored, health-giving, red-blooded patriotic
Ellis wants to do - and by gad he does it, too! - is remove that gnawing
sense of guilt so characteristic of the act, the awful tension of it, the
leering, searing, sneering fear of it. (Oh Phalloform, dread Phallio / Let
never me deride / My onanistic, irresistic, post-pubescent bride!) Once all
that unhealthy brooding is dissolved, nothing remains of a former vice but
unadulterated fun. And that's what Ellis is after. He doesn't want American
youth to go about guilt-twitching like a pack of inbred Chihuahuas for
nothing more serious than a raging appetite for fescenninity. He doesn't want
those golden hours of childhood festered over with concern about the imminent
putrefaction of genitalia. He wants young people not to give a damn! He wants
them to relax. He wants, in short, a world of happy masturbators.
whole new approach - this fresh wind blowing under the sheets, so to speak -
this large-hearted appeal for cheerful self-pollution, invokes perhaps a
deeper response in my heart than in most. For I (sneaky, timorous,
incontinent little beast with my Paphian obsessions) was never wholesomely at
home with my penile problem, nor ever found real happiness in working it out
- all because of that maggoty, mountainous pustule of needless guilt that
throbbed like an abscess in my young boy's heart.
warm summer nights while exuberant girl-hunting contemporaries scampered in
and out of the brush beneath high western stars, I, dedicated fool, lay
swooning in my bed with no companion save the lewd and smirking demons of my
bottomless guilt. Cowering there in seminal darkness, liquescent with
self-loathing, attentive only to the stealthy rise and Krafft-Ebbing of my
dark scrotumnal blood, fearful as a lechwe yet firmer of purpose than any
rutting buffalo, I celebrated the rites of Shuah's son with sullen
resignation. Poor little chap on a summer's night, morosely masturbating . .
. !
were lads in Grand Junction, Colorado (most of whom became civil servants or
evangelistic clergymen) who strode the sunlit streets of that
never-to-be-forgotten town like fierce young gods, lean and supple, tall and
strong, pace brisk, shoulders well thrust back, frank of face, forthright of
smile, clear of eye, innocent of heart, clean of mind. But I was not one of
no, not I. Not your poor father.
I appeared in public, toad-blinking against the unwonted and revelatory blaze
of day, I conveyed the immediate impression of ambulant filth - of obscenity,
so to speak, in transit. I lurched through those years like some demented
crab, shoulders at a goatish hunch, eyes a-scum with fantasies of
defloration, my acneous skin (hot with crimson shames) exuding from every
greasy pore that sour effluvia which marks imagined love. My sweaty nippers -
ah, cursed, cursed paws! - I carried thrust to the very bottom of my trouser
pockets, in which humid and forbidden depths they secretly envaginated that
marvelous little pendant I knew must drop from its frazzled moorings the
instant I withdrew my helping hands.
turned thin and pale; my odor changed from sour to stercoraceous; reflexes
vanished altogether; palpitations of the heart set in, accompanied by giddy
spells and sudden faints. My left eye developed so fearsome a tic that its
aftermath may be seen to this day in the crapulous squint with which you are
perhaps far too familiar. My blood ceased to coagulate: for eleven months I
went about completely swathed in bandages. Satyriasis, ever latent in my
yielding genes, turned chronic and then acute: treatment consisted in the
rapid alteration of ice packs with cauldrons of scalding water. I was placed
on a diet of loblolly laced with seaweed extract.
was this revolting dish even more than my rampageous libido that brought my
nervous system to a state of utter dissolution. I would start up briskly at
the slightest sound and begin to canter counterclockwise, and in ever
widening circles, crepitating all the while like a Percheron at close trot
(you know that horrid sound thup-thup-thup-thurp-thup), and nickering
suspiciously. I became unhinged that the mere sight of a girl reduced me to
mucilaginous pulp identifiable as human only by a pair of inflamed eyes and a
faint squinking sound that seemed to proceed from the hepatized heart of the
mess. Ah, sweet suppurating soul of Satan, I thought I never would get
now, more than three decades later (and I, as you know, a power of moral
strength, a civic leader, a respected - nay, beloved - unity figure), even
now when I forget a friend's name, or lay my spectacles, or pause in
mid-sentence idiocy (my thought having died twixt concept and delivery) -
even now such lapses set a clammy chill upon my heart, while purulent
memories of my secret shame incarnadine the sallow of these aging cheeks.
then, while panic tightens my sagging throat, that I whisper to myself:
"It's true after all. It does make you crazy. It does cause the brain to
soften. Why, oh why did I like it so much? Why didn't I stop while I was
still ahead of the game? Was it only one time too many that caused this rush
of premature senility? Or a dozen times? Or a thousand? Ah well - little good
to know it now: the harm's done, the jig's up, you're thoroughly raddled,
better you'd been born with handless stumps."
instant later I blessedly recall the name, I find the spectacles, complete
the sentence - and the salacious ghoul of my sickened fantasies retreats once
more into the shadows, not banished to be sure but held off at least for a
few more days or hours. I ask you, boy - if the mere memory of past guilt has
such power to swoon my adult mind, can you imagine the effect upon a
naturally depraved constitution of what then was present guilt?
recall a certain chill winter night on which my father took me to one of
those Calvinist fertility rites disguised as a father-and-son banquet. I was
in no real shape to mingle with respectable society, being then at the dismal
nadir of my lechery and much given to involuntary belching, squirching,
belly-rumbling, wind-breaking, nasal pearl-diving and the like. The banquet
consisted of dead fish, stale bread, soft-boiled potatoes and leather-bottomed
of the revels was an acrid old goat named Horace T. McGuiness who kept a
doxy, engaged in brutish orgies, and reserved his public hours for
denunciation of everything dear to a little boy's heart. This excrementitious
old fornicator was greatly venerated in our town, and much in demand for such
festivities as that which I describe.
buttoned his protruberant vest on discs of decayed egg yolk and brayed like
Balaam's ass voiding hot barbed-wire. His nostrils extruded threads of ductile
mucus which streamed downward in gay opalescent loops to a scraggle of brush
which concealed practically all of that moist, pink, vulviform cave of the
winds that served him as a mouth. When speaking - and he always spoke - he
displayed the carious ruin of what in his youth had been a gaggle of strong
yellow teeth. With every phrase he emitted dense clouds of sewer gas, while
his harsher consonants shot forth such poisonous showers of spittle that
full-grown bull blowflies fell stunned to the tablecloth the instant they
flew in range.
old debauchee opened his discourse with a series of blasphemous demands that
the Almighty agree with his ghastly notions and make our young minds (his
whole talk was addressed to us youthlets, never to pa) receptive to the bilge
he proposed to pump into them. Then he got down to the meat of the program
which, to no one's surprise, was girls. When you go out with a young lady, he
slavered, you go out with your own sister. As you treat her, so will your
sister be treated. It followed that you must not think of it in relation to
her, you must not suggest it to her, and certainly you must not do it to her.
If you did, you were a blackguard, a degenerate, a runnion, a cullion, and a
this day I don't know why that crazed old rake's clapper-claw affected me as
it did. I was a menace only to myself. For all the harm I was able to do
girls, or they me, their whole concupiscible tribe had just as well been my
sisters. On the other hand, it seemed plain to me that if one day I did burst
upon the world as the hymeneal Genghis Khan of my dreams, I'd be in for an
extremely incestuous time of it.
winters later, when my headmaster at McTeague's Chicago Academy for
Distraught Boys, enraged by the nocturnal racket of my solitary revels,
clapped hands on me and dragged my quaking hulk to a lupanar much favored by
the faculty, I stood spellbound and terrified as the grisettes paraded for my
selection. The vile, incestuous objurgations of old Reek-mouth still fevered
my brain. These girls were my sisters - the tall one over there, and the tiny
one with the dazzling blue curls, and that charming creature with the wise
clitorial wink (the first I'd seen to that time) - all of them sisters! How
could I even think of them that way?
I tried to explain the taboo that held me apart from this naked herd of
mooing female relatives. Headmaster (he was a goodhearted man but quick with
his right) cuffed me about for something under an hour. Toward the end of the
beating I was enabled to see the thing from headmaster's point of view rather
than that of old Stench-tooth. I began to regard the lovely denizens of that
establishment with rising interest. My heart grew light. My temples ceased to
throb. My eyes began to glitter brilliantly. I found myself laughing, as
Columbus must have laughed when first he spied the shimmered green of
my darlings - no sisters ye nor brother I, blessed be the sapient gods!
(Descend, Murgatoyd!) Flee for your lives, thou still unravished brides of
quietness - thou foster children of slow time! (Down, slavering monster!)
Weep, ye Sabine maidens - cringe, ye moaning seraphim! (Abajo, little
Sir M!) That which ye greatly feared has come upon you! The stuprator is at
hand! Estoy aqui! Me voici! Adsum!
learned, so to speak, the hard way. (Ah, Chicago, Chicago - stud-barn of the
western world!) Not once in those three wild aphrodisiacal weeks did
headmaster or I set foot outside that house of ecstasy. We ordered the
telephone disconnected, and had our meals sent in piping hot from the Pump
Room. I, who had barely matriculated, qualified for graduate work in three
fiery days. When finally we returned to the vertical world (headmaster, being
without tenure, lost his appointment at the Academy, while I, poor lad, was
sent down for simple venery) I was a new boy: snake-lean, rock-hard and
ferociously determined that earth herself should reel beneath the measured
thunder of my copulations. That, however, is a different story to be reserved
for later times and nicer problems. Returning now to that atrocious
hugger-mugger which set me thus to dreaming: -
deranged our building psyches with this sister business, old Pus-head passed
on to the subject of procreation - or, more precisely, non-procreation. In
unbelievable detail he shambled through the story of Judah, son of Jacob, son
of Abraham (nee Abram), son of Terah, son of Nahor, son of Serug, son of Reu,
son of Peleg, son of Eber, son of Salah, son of Axpharaxed, son of Enoch, son
of Jared, son of Mahalalcel, son of Cainan, son of Enos, son of Seth, who was
born to Adam and Eve in their autumnal years.
to the story. Judah had three sons improbably named Er, Onan and Chezib. Er
caroused so heroically that "the Lord slew him," making of his wife
Tamar a widow. Judah thereupon commanded his second son, this Onan chap, to
marry his brother's relict and have children by her. Onan yielded to the
first command and moved in with the girl (note how that sister theme creeps
in again?), but he flatly refused stud service, devising instead an escape
route that ensured his memory and made his name practically a household word
to this day. He spilled his seed out onto the ground. (Hence onanism,
onanistic, and the like, for you know what.)
closing my mind and abandoning all sanity I can still hear that demented old
reprobate howling his bill of particulars against poor Onan, shaking his fist
at us all the while and sweating like a diseased stoat. "He wasted his
seed! Oh monstrous, shameful, nameless act he spilled it right out into the
ground! All of it! Yes sir, every last drabble of it! And this displeased the
Lord. And the Lord slew him!" This ringing period he concluded with a
gust of spittle so noxious that a waitress, caught in its mere fallout, sank
fainting to the floor beneath a tray of priceless cut-glass fingerbowls.
even a sideglance at his gasping victim, old Sprue-tongue rushed on to a
warning against the most dangerous period of a boy's day, which he leeringly
defined as those last ten minutes before the coming of blessed sleep. This
period, he rasped, was Onan's hour, that dread time of temptation which
separated the men from boys. He commanded us, on pain of Onan's fate, as we
loved God, loathed sin, and cherished our immortal souls, thenceforth to
sleep with our hands outside the covers "until, in the unpolluted glory
of young manhood, that chaste girl of your dreams appears on the transept of
God's heaven to give you, through holy matrimony, that love which no man
deserves and all desire." Whereupon we were ordered to rise en masse,
lift high our swearing arms ("All the perfumes of Arabia will not
sweeten this little hand!") and take the pledge.
You can imagine how I felt, poor shuddering pertinacious masturbating little
dolt! My young companions, their faces shining with devotion, rose like eager
chipmunks to recite that preposterous oath as solemnly as if it were a Te
Deum. I felt compelled to join them, my skin flushing beet-red beneath a
field of yellow pimples then riotously in bloom from the base of my throat to
the farthest border of my scaly scalp. Seated once more, I vomited softly
into a cannister of caramels my father took with him wherever he went. As for
father - from that time forward a murk, a dark estrangement rose between us.
How could I, degraded sperm-wasting voluptuary that I was, ever again look
squarely into the calm serenity of his grave sperm-thrifty eyes? I couldn't
and never did. For us, that moment was the end.
I went to bed that night the thermometer shivered at twenty-three degrees
below zero. I slept alone in public, so to speak, an open porch with only a
dismal flap of canvas to separate my quarters from those glacial winter winds
that howled for three straight months each year on the other side of it.
Shuddering like a greyhound bitch in heat, I burrowed beneath mounded covers.
My congealing breath formed a beard of frost on the quilt beneath my chin. My
pale hands, like twin sacrificial lambs, lay freezing outside the covers. It
made no sense at all to me, yet I'd been gulled into taking their peccant
oath, and now in my own dim-witted fashion I proposed to keep it. It was the
witching hour.
I lay there pondering Onan's fate, nerves twitching, gonaducts aflame, ten
chilly digits convulsively plucking at my counterpane, I tried to divert my
tumescent thoughts from their obsession. I thought on heroes and their
heroism: on Perseus, Jason, Odysseus, Achilles - and it was on Achilles that
I paused, evaluating again that dip in the Styx with only his left heel
exposed. It occurred to me that the tragedy of his death stemmed directly
from the triviality of the wound that brought him low.
this point my incomparable flair for nastiness took charge. What would have
happened, I asked myself, if Thetis had held the little tyke by his tippet
instead of his heel? Since everyone understands there's utterly no point in
living once your tassel's been shot off, all tears and sympathy would have
been focused on that gory dopple, reducing his subsequent death to mere
blessed anti-climax. The whole point of the yarn, it seemed to me, would have
been changed, and for the better. Thus musing, I fell asleep. The next
morning I was rushed off whooping to the hospital, brought low with quick
pneumonia and seven frostbit claws. So much then, for keeping pledges.
are still other stories I could tell you - tales of those corybantic pears
that would inflame your bowels and thin your heart's young blood. They would,
however, be merely cumulative: if my point isn't made by now it never will
be. Yet the more I think on it the more positive I become that you will never
truly be able to comprehend in all its horror that interminably sustained
convulsion which was your father's youth. It's only reasonable that this
should be so, since you've had so many advantages that were denied to me. To
name but three of them - a private room, a masturbating father, and Albert
Ellis, Ph.D.
I think, will you ever be able to understand that flood of savage joy which
filled my heart on first reading Sex Without Guilt. I felt, with
Keats, like "some watcher of the night skies. When a new planet swims
into his ken." Having passed through such flaming pubic hells as would
altogether carbonize a weaker lad, can anyone hope to imagine the wild
surmise that stunned my soul on discovering that I'd been right all along?
That all my Brobdingnagian juvenile debaucheries had been as innocent as so
many taffy-pulls? That I was, in truth, an example and a martyr for all who'd
gone before me and for endless millions still to come?
that's what it amounts to, son. I carried the ball for all of us, and carried
it farther than anyone had a right to expect. I was the Prometheus of my
secret tribe - a penile virtuoso, a gonadic prodigy, a spermatiferous
thunderbolt; in fine, a masturbator's masturbator. In that sad hour when you
lay me away, remember with awe what I did, and carve those words in ageless
granite above my resting place, that your sons and your sons sons may not
forget the blood of champions coursing through their veins.
am still, as you may suspect, somewhat distraught from reliving for your
instruction the calamitous tale of my youth. That it's been painful I can't
deny, but what is pain compared to the immeasurable satisfaction of being a
proper dad to you? I am also, perhaps, still too deeply under the literary
and erotic spell of Lolita, which I've read four straight times
in four straight days. If you don't know the book, you must get it at once.
This chap Nabokov, like Dr. Ellis, is a way-shower, one of those spirits who
understands that everything under the sun has its time and place and joy in
an ordered world.
description of a two-year Saturnalia between an aging pervert and a
twelve-year-old female (a "nymphet," as Nabokov so charmingly
describes young girls in the immediate stages of pre- and postpubescence) is
something to make your mouth water. Now that Lolita has brought
nymphetophilia into the world of fashion and made it, thank God, as
respectable as ornithology, I'm willing to place it on record that my own sexual
taste in young girls runs strongly to larvines, beside whom your average
nymphet seems gross and dissolute. A larvine begins to glow at
five-and-a-half and generally is quite hagged out before her eighth birthday.
Perhaps it's the very brevity of her flower that so attracts me. The man
fortunate enough to catch one of these delightful creatures at the very peak
of larvineal bloom - provided, of course, no one catches him - will be
rewarded indescribably.
pair of them approach even as I pen these words. They live two houses down. I
spy on them night and day with a 40-power Stankmeyer-Zeitz. They're on the
point of passing my study door en route to Sunday school. One of them's
already in the third grade. Soon she'll be too old. Closer and closer they come.
My excitement mounted like the fires of Krakatoa.
(squish-squish-squish) they draw even with the door. Glowing grandeur of tiny
milk-fleshed thigh. Liquescent breath of gay vulvaginous pearl. (Psst! Speak
to the nice old man. Come into my parlor. Ice cream? Candy? Morphine?
Exciting photographs?) They continue down the drive. Patter of footsteps
fainting with my heart. Nubescent rumplets winkling wild their nappled
wonder. Scent of loinwine sighing, crying, dying on soft amber-tawny singing
little legs. Oh my God --
con·cu·pis·ci·ble adj. Driven by or filled with strong sexual desire;
Cor·y·bant n. Greek Mythology pl. Cor·y·bants or Cor·y·ban·tes
(-b n t z ) A priest of the Phrygian goddess Cybele whose rites were
celebrated with music and ecstatic dances.
dox·y n. Slang pl. dox·ies 1. A female lover; a mistress.
2. A promiscuous woman.
fes·cen·nine adj. Licentious; obscene.
gri·sette n. A French working-class girl or young woman.
hy·me·ne·al adj. Of or relating to a wedding or marriage.
in·car·na·dine adj. 1. Of a fleshy pink color. 2. Blood-red.
Krafft-E·bing , Baron Richard von. 1840-1902. German physician and
neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the
published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis (1886).
lechwe n : tawny-colored African antelope inhabiting wet
grassy plains
lob·lol·ly n. pl. lob·lol·lies 1. Southern U.S. A
mudhole; a mire. 2.The loblolly pine.
dialectal lob, to bubble + lolly, broth.]
Regional Note: Loblolly is a combination of lob, probably an onomatopoeia for
the thick heavy bubbling of cooking porridge, and lolly, an old British
dialect word for "broth, soup, or any other food boiled in a pot."
Thus, loblolly originally denoted thick porridge or gruel, especially that
eaten by sailors onboard ship. In the southern United States, the word is
used to mean "a mudhole; a mire," a sense derived from an allusion
to the consistency of porridge. The name loblolly has become associated with
several varieties of trees as well, all of which favor wet bottomlands or
swamps in the Gulf and South Atlantic states.
men·sal adj. Belonging to or used at the table.
ob·jur·gate tr.v. To scold or rebuke sharply; berate
Paphian \Pa"phi*an\, a. Of or pertaining to Paphos, an
ancient city of Cyprus, having a celebrated temple of Venus; hence,
pertaining to Venus, or her rites
Per·che·ron n. Any of a breed of gray or black draft horse
originally used in France for drawing artillery and heavy coaches but now
bred in other countries for general purposes
pu·ru·lent adj. Containing, discharging, or causing the production of
rel·ict n. 1. Ecology. An organism or species of an earlier time
surviving in an environment that has undergone considerable change. 2.
Something that has survived; a remnant. 3. A widow.
sap·ro·gen·ic adj. Of, producing, or resulting from putrefaction
sa·ty·ri·a·sis n. Excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire in
and behavior by a man
ster·co·ra·ceous adj. Consisting of or relating to excrement
stoat n. The ermine, especially when in its brown color
stuprator v. t. To ravish; to debauch
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