TMI QUESTIONS: 'Tis the Season - Winter Vacation

1. What is your favorite winter clothing item or outfit?  My leather jacket.

2. Do you have plans for a winter vacation? When and where? My next vacation is planned for the end of winter in late March in Lewes, Delaware

3. Do you have a climate preference? Where I live in NC, we have the best of all seasons, but my favorites are Spring and Fall!

4. What do you like to do on your winter vacations? I like to find a nice cozy fire in a fireplace and read a good book.

5. Do you unpack your suitcase or live out of it? Are there any items you never unpack?  Always live out of my suitcase, because I was conditioned to always traveling when I was consulting.  Back then, I would even wash my clothes and repack them in the suitcase continuing to live out of it while I was home as well!

6. Essentials for an extra "fun" weekend? Would you take them through airport security?  No, because I embarrass too easily.


Last, Best, Worst or most fun vacation sex. Details. Details, Details.  Best vacation sex was with my then lover, Craig, when we spent time at a time-share in Gatlinburg, TN.  His lesbian sister and her lover were also there.  Lots of fun, fun, fun including Dollywood.

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